Wednesday, March 25, 2009

PITBULL Saves Family from Armed Intruder...

Burn it into your memory because it's a headline that you won't see often. Instead CNN chooses 'Dog Takes Bullet for Family'(video) and local station KOKO5 runs with 'Dog Shot During Home Invasion.'(video) Critics talk about media bias all the time in regards to political or social agendas. The discussion is often blown off with the everyday rhetoric that we have to consume en-route to the 20 second soundbite that's supposed to tell us everything going on in the world (at the moment.) But these headlines shouldn't just be accepted as 'business as usual' and this PITBULL story is a great example for that argument. The reporting of this incident shows clear bias regarding an entire breed of dog. It is the continuance of the cruel and inhumane stereotype by the popular media that the Pitbull is not a canine worthy of the title 'man's best friend.' The stereotyping of Bully breeds is one that is built mostly on ignorance and it's disappointing that major news agencies have chosen to participate. These media outlets are easily aware of the consequences of reckless inaccurate reporting and people like you and me need to take them to task for it every time that we see it. They have a journalistic responsibility to tell the complete story and in this case they avoided it in order to protect their cash cow: Pit Bull related terror headlines.

Think about it folks.. queue music... queue logo... 'Pitbull Attacks Grandmother' live at 6! And don't miss 'Pitbulls Running the Streets of Your Neighborhood' Live at 11! Naturally, none of these hooks that they use to get you to watch their program and their paid advertising tend to follow-up with a complete story. They omit that the grandmother-victim was mauled by a Pitbull that was abused, never properly cared for, and never socialized as all domesticated dogs require. It's the dogs fault right?!? Not the intelligent ones, the responsible ones, the ones that make them fight to live... the humans... who over bred them (continuing bad bloodlines), didn't care for them, and fostered this false perception of a 'bad breed' with their recklessness. I still hold hope that we're all intelligent enough to know that this perception is built on media hype and irresponsible dog owners. Despite the fact that even the CDC has published studies showing that no one breed of domesticated dogs is more likely to bite than another, we're all smart enough to know bullshit when we see & hear it... right?

As the responsible owner of a sweet, playful, loyal, and athletic
Pitbull, I often explain to anyone who will listen that Pitbulls have been a part of American culture as far back as our nations beginnings. They were used as an icon for the American Military in WWI. It was a Pitbull named 'stubby' that made it as the highest decorated canine hero in US history and he rose to the rank of Sergeant in combat duty promotions. They used him to alert for gas attacks and incoming shells and he was even creditied with the capture of a spying soldier. That was stubby, then you have the little rascals' Pete, Tige of the Buster Brown shoe commercials and more. During this time, the Pitbull was an American hero. This breed's fall from grace is due to nothing else but human recklessness and irresponsibility. These are the facts folks. What you get on the news now is scare tactics and 'zombie dogs attacking' headlines that are designed to create panic and to get you to watch commercials.

It's a disgrace that we don't take more responsibility in our ownership of these beautiful and loving companions. It's a disgrace that we have policies in some communities that mandate the banning or euthanasia of any bully breed dog. It's a cop-out. Finally, a good story comes along about a Pitbull doing what dogs do.. loving it's family and being a best friend. It's an absolute disgrace that the media doesn't do the right thing and tell the whole story in this situation. What does it hurt to put 'Pitbull' in the headline this time? Why is this case different? These dogs have been implicated in a lot of terrible attacks and situations. But I'll argue until the day that I die that their implication isn't proof of guilt. The guilt lies with us humans. We should know better than to raise our dogs this way. We should all take responsibility for the past abuses of our communities and work to return Pitbulls to their rightful place as trusted family companions. Report abuse, get informed, and hold yourself and your neighbors accountable for how animals are treated. The next time that you see a 'Pitbull story' in the news don't forget to read between the lines!

(This is the story that set me off on this rant)


Fiscal Conservatism Lives On...

I was both impressed and jealous over this brilliantly made speech at the EU Parliament. I guess being thrown into a minority with a bunch of other nut-jobs that proclaim to be 'conservatives' leaves me wanting something with a bit more substance to it. I'm waiting for this argument to take shape over here but the faint murmurs of it that I've heard so far have been somewhat pathetic.